Monday, September 3, 2012

Kitty's Shuts Down Southern Acts Indian Show

September 1st 2012 Southern Acts were told by Elmo at Kitty,s Flea Market to just come back next weekend in regular clothes. The purpose we go is so we can set up and do a dress rehearsal. Southern Acts is trying to put together a live show to support our debut album “The Great Warrior.” It involves the set, the costume, music, and maybe a little story telling.

We had planned and posted our CD release party for 12 O'clock and I had considered paying to promote this, but just went with what I could do with just my time and and effort. Yes we are trying to build an audience, a business offering the services that we can to make a living and survive.
We are creating audio visual arts... what ever that may lead to.

We have been going to Kitty's in Albany, Georgia for over a year and have a regular spot where we set up our “stage” and try and create something that is interesting. It's our testing ground. A couple of months ago Bobbie Jean Chiasson, my partner in Southern Acts, came up with this Indian theme that we have been working on, writing songs and creating costumes that we call “Running Bear Wear.” It seemed to increase the attention we were getting.                                                       

We just know our side of the story... it could be that the wealthy would rather our story not be brought to light. Maybe having the rude hateful bully that incited this, attack us as we walked around, saying “Y'all queers need to put some clothes on.” Someone rolled their window down saying the same thing as they rode by us last week, may have been the same person, we don't know. Someone called the law on my partner Bobbie Jean and the bully for cussing around their children. The law was talking to us about this when Elmo came up to us and said what he said. Is someone pressuring the flea market to censor us? Elmo also said that he had people complaining to him all the time. Could be some hate group that wants to spread their hatred. I am a bit prejudice I blame the wealthy for the economic hard times we are in. Sorry but the poor can't pass the buck... and that's all it takes to improve the situation.

Of course the guy that started this didn't want to fight he just wanted to run his mouth. I don't like hateful bullies... and I never will. Hate crimes are real. Will this be tolerated in this community?
Excuse us for being artistic, there is no excuse for censoring others freedom.
Please stand up for equality it's time we put a stop to this! We have hundreds of dollars invested it the stage settings and instruments that we bought from venders at Kitty,s. We have walked around week after week looking for the things to build our show, our business, and our lives from this community at Kitty,s spending thousands of dollars over the last year. Tried to build a music store but realized that I enjoy playing guitar and making music, not so much working on instruments.
We have spent countless hours promoting what we do and the flea market right along with it. I'm not sure what we will do from this point, still feeling cheated and hoodooed. And confused... what is regular clothes for creative artistic transgender people? Some things in life are not just black and white.

Steve Lawhorn
Southern Acts

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